Pretraga ima 16 pogodaka

od Mikro
Pon Maj 30, 2022 8:00 pm
Tema: Constantly kicking
Odgovora: 0
Pogledano: 7842

Constantly kicking

Really? someone is constantly kicking me.....Probably player Nun i dont know if he is admin but he wrote me " Do u want ban?" because i have skill and he dont? Other players wrote that im not cheating.....He dont care....when i again connect to the server so i wrote to the chat and he he d...
od Mikro
Sub Maj 21, 2022 4:01 pm
Forum: DAJKA I EKIPA//CoD2 Server
Tema: JOCA are u kidding me ?
Odgovora: 10
Pogledano: 8624

Re: JOCA are u kidding me ?

OMG this is not normal -_-
od Mikro
Čet Maj 19, 2022 11:39 pm
Forum: DAJKA I EKIPA//CoD2 Server
Tema: JOCA are u kidding me ?
Odgovora: 10
Pogledano: 8624

Re: JOCA are u kidding me ?

???? Joca? you are in the game but u dont have time to answer me?
od Mikro
Uto Maj 17, 2022 10:29 pm
Forum: DAJKA I EKIPA//CoD2 Server
Tema: JOCA are u kidding me ?
Odgovora: 10
Pogledano: 8624

Re: JOCA are u kidding me ?

JOCA You can answer me? some feedback?
od Mikro
Uto Maj 17, 2022 10:28 pm
Forum: DAJKA I EKIPA//CoD2 Server
Tema: JOCA are u kidding me ?
Odgovora: 10
Pogledano: 8624

Re: JOCA are u kidding me ?

JOCA You can answer me? some feedback?
od Mikro
Pon Maj 16, 2022 1:07 am
Forum: DAJKA I EKIPA//CoD2 Server
Tema: JOCA are u kidding me ?
Odgovora: 10
Pogledano: 8624

Re: JOCA are u kidding me ?

Hello!....My nickname is Mikro# ....Im banned the same date as i wrote this topic maybe,1 day was on map burgundy and only admin who was online on the server was you. yea im sure that i'm banned...because i cant connect to the server but on the other servers yes....and this is happens afte...
od Mikro
Pet Maj 13, 2022 1:00 am
Forum: DAJKA I EKIPA//CoD2 Server
Tema: JOCA are u kidding me ?
Odgovora: 10
Pogledano: 8624

Re: JOCA are u kidding me ?

Look at Toujane Rifle stats....i have 3800/1726....because i have a skill... If i had WH i dont have a 3800/1726 but 3800/100 .......but you won't understand Why u give me a BAN? and u dont write off when i again connect to the server after kick.........Nothing feedback....only what u did its u give...
od Mikro
Pet Maj 13, 2022 1:00 am
Forum: DAJKA I EKIPA//CoD2 Server
Tema: JOCA are u kidding me ?
Odgovora: 10
Pogledano: 8624

Re: JOCA are u kidding me ?

Look at Toujane Rifle stats....i have 3800/1726....because i have a skill... If i had WH i dont have a 3800/1726 but 3800/100 .......but you won't understand Why u give me a BAN? and u dont write off when i again connect to the server after kick.........Nothing feedback....only what u did its u give...
od Mikro
Pet Maj 13, 2022 12:53 am
Forum: DAJKA I EKIPA//CoD2 Server
Odgovora: 0
Pogledano: 6968


Tak tyvole je tohle možný? co to tady máte za admin team? od jocy dostanu banána jentak bezduvodu...protože to vetsinou hrajou dementi co to neumej...tak si vklidku mam 60/20 to neni nic neobvykleho...... a dostanu od jocy ban...už jednou me zabanoval....nahazel jsem na fora videa jak hraju aby me o...
od Mikro
Pet Maj 13, 2022 12:36 am
Forum: DAJKA I EKIPA//CoD2 Server
Tema: JOCA are u kidding me ?
Odgovora: 10
Pogledano: 8624

Re: JOCA are u kidding me ? READ THIS AGAIN...OMG Now is function a few servers.....i play this game 12-13years....and u give me a ban for no reason when community is small and this game play a few players ......SO I have to stop playing this game after 13years just b...